The UR triennial 2021

The UR Triennial is a theater festival held once every three years, during which performance collective URLAND invites itself to take a critical look at its own work. After the 2018 UR Triennial in which “the early works” were the focus, now, during this edition, it’s: “the firstborn”. The Gabber Opera is URLAND’s first production from 2010. Exclusively in Rotterdam from 8 to 11 September. That’s when URLAND will occupy Theater Rotterdam on William Boothlaan, with a side program that includes speakers, DJ’s, live radio, and other festival hubbub.
“Come into our midst now, Thumper, o, Thumper, Shake the Earth, mighty Jolter” (from The Bacchae by Euripides, 406 B.C.)
Performance collective URLAND is shaving their heads and taking a hardcore trip for anyone yearning for a theatrical extravaganza. The Gabber Opera is inspired by Euripides’ The Bacchae, and portrays man’s timeless inclination to sedate, and to see ecstasy. In a God forsaken landscape we see four bald nymphs; while intoxicated, finding what they’d lost, and losing what was theirs. A Grand Story about ritual, intoxication, and all-consuming Nothingness.
Special thanks to
URLAND is made possible by the City of Rotterdam and Fonds Podiumkunsten.
Played Venues
Witte de With, Theater Rotterdam