Bedtime Stories

URLAND tells a dark tale
Once upon a time there was a young man who watched too many movies. He lost himself in the magic of fiction, he lost touch with the real world. How do I talk to a woman? Why do I have to die? How can I shape and change reality, like I can in my stories?
Thomas Dudkiewicz wrote and performs Bedtime stories. A polyphonic solo in the form of an audio play. The performance is a seance full of movie references in which he descends from his attic like a missionary and preaches the imagination. Storyteller Dudkiewicz tells this story about storytellers who tell each other Bedtime stories before bed and the story obviously bites its own tail. Every end is a new beginning.
For this performance URLAND developed an 8 speaker-installation and their own technology to add extra dimension to the sound.
Bedtime stories was nominated for the BNG Nieuwe Theatermakersprijs 2016.
Listen to Bedtime Stories on Spotify:
Special thanks to
Theater Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam and Fonds Podiumkunsten
Played Venues
Oerol Festival, Singapore International Festival of Arts, Stadschouwburg Utrecht, Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, Brisbane Festival , Frost Amphitheater, The City of Las Vegas presents at the Historic Fifth Street School, The Wallis - The Lovelace Theater, Bank of America Theatre / Eisemann Center , Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium, Mondavi Center