De Kerstmusical

Every year we celebrate it, religious or not: the birth of Christ in the year zero.
We turn ‘the beginning’ inside out.
We turn the Christmas spirit inside out.
We destroy to create.
We accept nothing, and look for something- a word, an image, a light show, a big bang, the sublime?
It is the transition from ‘what’ to ‘who’.
It is the transition from private to public.
It is the act of a new beginning.
It is starting over.
Leaving the old behind.
Destroying the old.
It is a new beginning.
It is a new attempt.
It is believed an attempt.
Concept and performance
Shelley Bos, Coen Bril, Abe Iping, Damaris de Jong, Emma Josten, Pip Lucas, Wout Panis, Heidi Roele, Jurriaan van Seters, Casper Verberg en Simme Wouters
Special thanks to
Amsterdamse Toneelschool & Kleinkunstacademie, Design & Technologie.
Played Venues
Academie voor Theater en Dans