URLAND works collectively. URLAND is autonomous. URLAND wants Gesamtkunst. URLAND has no method. URLAND experiments. URLAND is paradoxical. URLAND resides somewhere between artificial and ral. URLAND appropriates, quotes and samples. URLAND clashes. URLAND believes in live art in digital times.
URLAND, an innovative performance collective from Rotterdam, consists of Geräuschmacher Jimi Zoet, Bildermacher Marijn Alexander de Jong, Geschichtenmacher Thomas Dudkiewicz and a solid group of fellow combatants. URLAND makes eclectic, interdisciplinary performances that clash between different styles, forms and themes, between visual culture and world literature, data and dada, digital oracles and philosophy. URLAND focuses on the fundamental, on telling and theatricalising existential stories that make the elusiveness of the contemporary palpable.
URLAND is made possible by Gemeente Rotterdam and Fonds Podiumkunsten.
For our graphic design, we happily work together with Ruben Verkuylen since 2018.
About the foundation
The board of Stichting URLAND consists of Silvie Dees (chair), Hedda van Straten (secretary), Swati Sen Gupta (treasurer) and Sabine Maertens (member).
Our policy plan, a report of the (performance) activities and the financial balance sheet can be requested via info@urland.nl or found at de Dutch version of this page (Over).